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For flows_to_es.pl
  Run on Mon May 9 23:27:59 2016
Reported on Mon May 9 23:28:09 2016

StatementsExecuted 13 statements in 375µs
Calls P F Exclusive
1100413.15ms3.70msPackage::Stash::XS::::get_symbolPackage::Stash::XS::get_symbol (xsub)
1670921.04ms1.08msPackage::Stash::XS::::namespacePackage::Stash::XS::namespace (xsub)
9522895µs991µsPackage::Stash::XS::::add_symbolPackage::Stash::XS::add_symbol (xsub)
27532815µs1.10msPackage::Stash::XS::::has_symbolPackage::Stash::XS::has_symbol (xsub)
18011561µs635µsPackage::Stash::XS::::remove_globPackage::Stash::XS::remove_glob (xsub)
8222465µs465µsPackage::Stash::XS::::newPackage::Stash::XS::new (xsub)
2011124µs237µsPackage::Stash::XS::::list_all_symbolsPackage::Stash::XS::list_all_symbols (xsub)
1576281µs81µsPackage::Stash::XS::::namePackage::Stash::XS::name (xsub)
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
1package Package::Stash::XS;
# spent 9µs within Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@2 which was called: # once (9µs+0s) by Module::Runtime::require_module at line 4
318µs $Package::Stash::XS::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DOY';
# spent 9µs making 1 call to Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@2
621µs $Package::Stash::XS::VERSION = '0.28';
# spent 21µs (7+13) within Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@8 which was called: # once (7µs+13µs) by Module::Runtime::require_module at line 8
use strict;
# spent 21µs making 1 call to Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@8 # spent 13µs making 1 call to strict::import
# spent 17µs (12+5) within Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@9 which was called: # once (12µs+5µs) by Module::Runtime::require_module at line 9
use warnings;
# spent 17µs making 1 call to Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@9 # spent 5µs making 1 call to warnings::import
# spent 11µs within Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@10 which was called: # once (11µs+0s) by Module::Runtime::require_module at line 10
use 5.008001;
# spent 11µs making 1 call to Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@10
11# ABSTRACT: faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API
# spent 6µs within Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@13 which was called: # once (6µs+0s) by Module::Runtime::require_module at line 13
use XSLoader;
# spent 6µs making 1 call to Package::Stash::XS::BEGIN@13
15 __PACKAGE__,
16 # we need to be careful not to touch $VERSION at compile time, otherwise
17 # DynaLoader will assume it's set and check against it, which will cause
18 # fail when being run in the checkout without dzil having set the actual
20 exists $Package::Stash::XS::{VERSION}
211162µs1154µs ? ${ $Package::Stash::XS::{VERSION} } : (),
# spent 154µs making 1 call to XSLoader::load
# spent 991µs (895+96) within Package::Stash::XS::add_symbol which was called 95 times, avg 10µs/call: # 75 times (794µs+87µs) by Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct::_install_api at line 103 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/Search/Elasticsearch/Role/Client/Direct.pm, avg 12µs/call # 20 times (100µs+9µs) by namespace::clean::get_class_store at line 208 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 5µs/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::add_symbol; # xsub
# spent 3.70ms (3.15+552µs) within Package::Stash::XS::get_symbol which was called 1100 times, avg 3µs/call: # 720 times (1.99ms+293µs) by namespace::clean::__ANON__[/opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm:121] at line 105 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 3µs/call # 180 times (580µs+173µs) by namespace::clean::__ANON__[/opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm:121] at line 69 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 4µs/call # 180 times (518µs+78µs) by namespace::clean::get_functions at line 218 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 3µs/call # 20 times (65µs+8µs) by namespace::clean::get_class_store at line 210 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 4µs/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::get_symbol; # xsub
# spent 1.10ms (815µs+287µs) within Package::Stash::XS::has_symbol which was called 275 times, avg 4µs/call: # 180 times (510µs+159µs) by namespace::clean::import at line 170 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 4µs/call # 75 times (240µs+49µs) by Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct::_install_api at line 96 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/Search/Elasticsearch/Role/Client/Direct.pm, avg 4µs/call # 20 times (66µs+79µs) by namespace::clean::get_class_store at line 208 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 7µs/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::has_symbol; # xsub
# spent 237µs (124+113) within Package::Stash::XS::list_all_symbols which was called 20 times, avg 12µs/call: # 20 times (124µs+113µs) by namespace::clean::get_functions at line 218 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 12µs/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::list_all_symbols; # xsub
# spent 81µs within Package::Stash::XS::name which was called 157 times, avg 517ns/call: # 75 times (38µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::add_symbol at line 103 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/Search/Elasticsearch/Role/Client/Direct.pm, avg 511ns/call # 20 times (12µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 218 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 610ns/call # 20 times (11µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 69 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 555ns/call # 20 times (10µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 170 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 475ns/call # 20 times (9µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 208 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 435ns/call # 2 times (1µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::namespace at line 96 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/Search/Elasticsearch/Role/Client/Direct.pm, avg 650ns/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::name; # xsub
# spent 1.08ms (1.04+43µs) within Package::Stash::XS::namespace which was called 1670 times, avg 649ns/call: # 720 times (293µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::get_symbol at line 105 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 407ns/call # 200 times (178µs+12µs) by Package::Stash::XS::get_symbol or Package::Stash::XS::list_all_symbols at line 218 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 952ns/call # 180 times (162µs+11µs) by Package::Stash::XS::get_symbol at line 69 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 962ns/call # 180 times (150µs+9µs) by Package::Stash::XS::has_symbol at line 170 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 883ns/call # 180 times (74µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::remove_glob at line 109 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 412ns/call # 75 times (48µs+1µs) by Package::Stash::XS::has_symbol at line 96 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/Search/Elasticsearch/Role/Client/Direct.pm, avg 653ns/call # 75 times (49µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::add_symbol at line 103 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/Search/Elasticsearch/Role/Client/Direct.pm, avg 653ns/call # 40 times (79µs+9µs) by Package::Stash::XS::add_symbol or Package::Stash::XS::has_symbol at line 208 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 2µs/call # 20 times (8µs+0s) by Package::Stash::XS::get_symbol at line 210 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 420ns/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::namespace; # xsub
# spent 465µs within Package::Stash::XS::new which was called 82 times, avg 6µs/call: # 80 times (452µs+0s) by namespace::clean::stash_for at line 3 of (eval 35)[/opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm:27], avg 6µs/call # 2 times (14µs+0s) by Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Client::Direct::_install_api at line 90 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/Search/Elasticsearch/Role/Client/Direct.pm, avg 7µs/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::new; # xsub
# spent 635µs (561+74) within Package::Stash::XS::remove_glob which was called 180 times, avg 4µs/call: # 180 times (561µs+74µs) by namespace::clean::__ANON__[/opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm:121] at line 109 of /opt/flows/lib/lib/perl5/namespace/clean.pm, avg 4µs/call
sub Package::Stash::XS::remove_glob; # xsub